That Mystical Land Of India :)

That Mystical Land Of India :)
India Gate

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quotable Quotes

This is a list of funny, embarassing or idiosyncratic things our teachers say in class, compiled from my friends and family. Read, and send me some more if you can - one liners only.
1. Both of you three, get out.
2. Dont talk in front of my back.
3. Keep quiet until the principal passes away.
4. Why are you looking at the monkey when I am here?
5. Know or no know?
6. Bunsen Burner gives fire when you pass gas.
7. To have a good body we must make out daily.
8. Thank you, Mr. Health Inspector. Before we saw you, we didnt know what a cockroach looked like.
9. Open the window, let the climate in.
10. I will throw window out of you.
11. Give me a red pen of any colour.
12. You both stand in a straight circle.
13. To fly a kite, face wind and throw up.
14. Tell your mother to pack your bag or I will come at night and do it with her.
15. Those wishing to play must come with their balls in their hands.
16. Monitors not wearing their badges will be stripped.
17. Those wearing their caps around, turn your heads backwards.
18. Absentees, hands up.
19. Germs live in Germany.
20. Principal is rotating corridor.
21. When visiting, knock up door.
22. To become famous, hit sixers, like sachin.
23. To increase pressure in pipe, suck on it.
24. Girls and boys in two lines, rest of you in center.
25. My mobile is unbalanced, go buy a balance for it.
26. Find length of this ruler.
27. Pulley and rope have loose motion.
28. If you sleep in my class, I'll sleep with you.
29. I come to the class 2 weeks in a day.
30. Look at the figure on the board, not at my figure.
31. You are gettin INTO my nerves!!!!!

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